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Template Punishment Appeal Template:

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New member

《 Punishment Appeal

How to Appeal an In-game / Forum Punishment:

Please follow the format in order to create a correct appeal. We will NOT be accepting appeals that do not follow the format / template.
Don't lie in your appeal.
This only makes your chances worse, and it will make you look bad. (..etc don't say "My |insert family member| was on my account.") Excuses like this will be denied.

Template below

| Requirements for Appeal​

  • If you believe you were falsely muted and/or banned
  • You were punished at least 7+ days ago
  • You believe your behaviour has changed

| Punishment Appeal Template

1. Account Name
Both Forums and In-game

2. Discord (if applicable)
(e.g Trader#0000 )

3. Punishment Details (REQUIRED)
  • How long your punishment lasts
  • What is your punishment(s)?
  • Where were you punished? (Forums / Discord / In-game)
  • Why were you punished?
4. screenshot of your punishment message

5. Appeal
Have you been banned on SpiceTrade before?

(This is a YES/NO question, be truthful, we have access to your punishment history! If we find out you have lied, it will be an instant denial.)
If this is a Yes, please state what you were banned for.

Why should we revoke/shorten your punishment?
This should not be a one-sentence answer, you are trying to tell us and/or prove your innocence. We will not accept one-word answers.

If applicable, you can provide evidence to support unjust punishment.
Please provide screenshots of possible "false mutes" / evidence related to your punishment.
A screenshot of your .minecraft folder WILL NOT help your case when banned for modding / exploits. Sorry!

5. Submit
Do you understand and accept our server rules?

(This is a YES or NO question)

Before submitting your appeal, we want to make sure you understand AND accept our server rules.
Please review and answer honestly; lying will never help your case.

Keep in mind we do not have to accept your appeal, and our decision is final.

It is a requirement to use the presented template. additional information if necessary can be added by you, but it is not necessary.​

your appeal will receive a response in 7-10 business days​

SpiceTrade Management
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